I. Introduction
The compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of global mobile data traffic (MDT) over the last five years has indeed been 46%, resulting in overall MDT of 77 and 1589.7 Exabytes (EB, i.e. Terabyte (TB)) per month in 2022 and 2030, respectively [1]. In particular, the Asia Pacific region accounts for 56% of all traffic. Furthermore, with a device CAGR of 7%, it is predicted to have more than 20.6 billion connected devices by 2030. Because of the tremendous expansion of both MDT and users, there is a strong need to broaden the bandwidth to several Terahertz (THz) and increase the average channel capacity to Terabits per second [2]. To that purpose, the wavelength range ( mm) or, more accurately, the THz frequency band ( THz) began to garner significant attention in the scientific community. Millimeter wave (mmWave) and optical frequency gaps are filled by THz communications, which can enable faster speed data rates compared to mmWave communications. Outdoor THz communication is not affected by the effects of the atmosphere like optical communications are. However, the THz beam may be traced more easily indoors than optical beams, which reduces the mobility of wireless communication devices. Additionally, the reflected pathways in THz communication can be effectively used to improve system performance. THz can also provide UAV services like video surveillance, hotspot seamless coverage, and emergency communications. Nevertheless, despite its appealing properties, THz communication experiences a number of losses, including path-loss, molecular absorption loss, and antenna misalignment loss. Mathematical Notations and Function Definitions
Notation | Explanation |
Transmit-antenna gain | |
Receive-antenna gain | |
Speed of light | |
Operating frequency | |
Transmitter-receiver distance | |
Detector radius | |
Beam-waist radius | |
Refractive-index structure parameter | |
Wave-number | |
Beam-width | |
Coherence length | |
I-function [11, eq. (3.1)] | |
Gamma function [12, eq. (8.310.1)] | |
Modified Bessel function of the first kind with zero-order [12, eq. (8.406.1)] | |
Error function [12, eq. (8.250.1)] | |
Meijer's G-function [12, eq. (9.301)] | |
Logarithmic function | |
Digamma function [12, eq. (8.36)] |