I. Introduction
Measurement of delayed neutron and generation time in integral experiments, for instance in zero-power research reactors, is of relevance to the nuclear data community and for code validation. Procedures to calculate these kinetic parameters were recently included in Monte-Carlo codes, like MCNP5-v1.6 [1], [2], SERPENT2 [3] and TRIPOLI4.9 [4], and therefore, need to be validated for a wide range of spectral conditions. The International Handbook of Evaluated Criticality Safety Benchmark Experiments database [5] together with several independent experiments (e.g. [6]) are already available for that purpose. Nonetheless, new experiments continue to be performed in zero-power facilities around the world to enlarge the benchmark database and reduce the experimental uncertainties (e.g. [7], [8]). This paper reports on new measurements performed in the Minerve zero-power facility at CEA, Cadarache.