I. Introduction
As the volume of digital data created by people and devices continues to grow, the demand for higher recording density in magnetic recording systems has increased [1]. However, conventional magnetic recording systems face a recording density limit of 1 Tb/in2 due to the superparamagnetic effect, which leads to data loss. To obtain an increased areal density (AD) of 1 Tb/in2 and greater, bit-patterned media recording (BPMR) has been considered among the promising future magnetic storage systems [1]. Because a single magnetic island can store 1 bit and these islands are surrounded by nonmagnetic regions in the BPMR system, BPMR presents advantages, such as reduced nonlinear transition shift and transition noise, as well as simplified tracking [2]. In traditional magnetic recording systems where data are organized along single track, the interaction between neighboring tracks during writing and reading of data can be neglected and data storage channel has been considered as one-dimensional (1-D) interference. However, the conventional storage systems face two-dimensional (2-D) interference because the intertrack distance should be decreased for higher AD.