Flow of materials between facilities and in period .
Number of types of material handling devices (MHDs).
Number of production facilities.
Number of periods.
Average percentage working time of MHD with load.
Average loading and offloading time of MHD that is moving at a medium speed (in min).
Average speed of MHD in meters per minute.
All costs, such as cost of working force, maintenance, energy, etc., due to working MHD per minute.
Time for handling a unit of material from facility to facility by MHD (min) in period .
Variable handling cost for per unit of material from facility to facility by MHD in per unit of distance in period .
Distance between the locations of the facilities and (decision variable).
Binary quantity that is equal to 1 if we use MHD g for handling material from facility to facility at the beginning of period else it is equal to 0 (decision variable).
Number of the MHD needed thorough the period (decision variable).
Number of the MHD purchased at the beginning of period (decision variable).
Number of the MHD is useless thorough period .
Invested value on the per unit MHD purchased at the beginning of the period .
Cost of being useless the per unit MHD thorough period .
Binary quantity that is equal to 1 if facility settles in the location at the beginning of period else it is equal to 0 (decision variable).
Coordinate of the location .
Cost of shifting department from location to in period .
Binary quantity that is equal to 1 if department is shifted from location to at the beginning of period , else it is equal to 0 (decision variable).
Number of materials that can be transported from facility to facility by MHD per trip or the capacity of the device g between facilities i and j.