It is well documented that astronauts experience a wide range of neurovestibular impairments when returning to Earth from microgravity [1]. Of interest for this study are reports of altered sensations of movement and tilt, or more generally, orientation perception. Many neurovestibular symptoms post-flight can be elicited by head movements, particularly head tilts away from upright [2], [3]. Several studies have investigated the occurrence of two vestibular illusions termed the tilt-gain and tilt translation illusions [4]–[7] where head tilt is either overestimated or perceived as translation, respectively. These illusions, along with other postflight neurovestibular symptoms, make it difficult for astronauts to perform locomotive tasks like emergency egress [2], [8]–[10] or manual control tasks like piloting and landing a spacecraft [2], [11] which occur before symptoms subside [12].