I. Introduction
In order to achieve sustainable development, renewable energy has been gradually integrated into the power system [1], [2]. Power balance is a key issue in power systems with a high penetration of renewable energy. In daily operation, the unit commitment problem or economic dispatch problem are formulated to handle the intra-day power balance. In long-term operation, the system has to cater for the seasonal variations of both renewable power and load demand. However, the annual variation of available renewable power is generally significant, and it is hard to maintain the long-term power balance relying on conventional units. Energy storage devices are effective solutions to mitigating the power fluctuations, which have been extensively used in the safe operation and optimal control of power system, such as frequency regulation [3] and economic dispatch [4]. The incorporation of energy storage devices has become an indispensable strategy for the evolution of renewable-dominated power systems [5]. However, a singular type of storage often falls short of addressing the power fluctuations in different time scales. Battery stor-age is a representative of short-term storage. It has a high charging/discharging efficiency, but the self-discharging effect cannot be ignored in long-term operation. In contrary, the long-term energy storage, such as the pumped hydro storage, hydro-gen storage and compressed air energy storage, generally has a neglectable self-discharge rate, but the charging/discharging efficiency is low compared to battery. In order to address the frequent charging and discharging demands in short-term operation and meet the energy reserve requirements in long-term operation, the collaboration of long-term and short-term energy storage is of extreme importance. There have been various studies on scheduling and operation in renewable-dominated systems with energy storage devices, which can be classified into two categories. The first category adopts two-stage optimization methodology. Stochastic programming [6] and robust optimization [7] are widely used in the existing studies. Stochastic programming generally assumes known probability distribution of uncertainty and optimizes the ex-pectation. In robust optimization, the random variables are restricted in a bounded uncertainty set whose size is to do with some confidence level. Stochastic programming needs large number of sample scenarios, and robust programming requires uncertainty sets of renewable power. Therefore, the above methods need adequate historical data, which are generally conducted in daily operation. In long-term operation, the two- stage framework is hard to be adopted since the computation complexity will be huge.