I. Introduction
The use of radio vision technologies and obtaining highly detailed radar images significantly increases the information content of sensing systems [1]. Therefore, interest in these unique, and at the same time, informative means has been growing noticeably in recent years [2]. Among the important national economic problems that can be solved using space-based synthetic aperture radars (SARs) are monitoring of the earth's surface, monitoring of the surfaces of oceans, seas and rivers, hydrological and oceanographic monitoring, etc. As we see, there are many objects of observation, they are diverse, but among them we can distinguish a specific class of so-called thread-like objects. This includes objects whose cross-sectional size is comparable to the resolution, and sometimes less than the resolution element. This may include railways, gas and oil pipelines, power lines, highways, runways, cable cars, and long bridges. Along with such objects, objects may appear in the form of a chain of brightness marks. This situation arises, for example, when observing power lines with metal supports, when the wires give a less powerful signal than the supports.