I. Introduction
The swift expansion of malicious software, intentionally crafted to covertly undermine computer systems, has experienced noteworthy acceleration. A diverse array of malicious software, including worms, trojans, botnets, ransom ware, and spyware, among others, is employed for such nefarious purposes. Malware invariably infiltrates systems or devices sneakily, bypassing the authorization and intention of their rightful owners. The proliferation of the internet has facilitated the widespread adoption of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, presenting a unique set of security challenges [1]. The inter-connectivity inherent in IoT devices has magnified these challenges, with the vast quantities of data generated by these devices attracting the attention of malicious actors. Various forms of malware are employed to gain access to these systems, enabling the collection of vital information [2]. Consequently, the detection of malware has emerged as a crucial concern, assuming paramount importance in safeguarding the security of IoT devices [3].