1 Introduction
The Evolution of Microservices architectures ruling the Information domain across all the Cloud Platforms. The ever-growing critical applications and their architectures exposed to an enormous challenge in monitoring and managing the cloud applications. The troubleshooting and recovering of impacted failure points also becoming a pain in this cloud arena. Site Reliability Engineering in other words SRE becoming the best practices approach as per (Beyer et al., 2016), to maintain the standards of Cloud-mounted and Cloudnative applications being reviewed, designed and developed accordingly. Due to the diversity of the Cloud Platform, which includes cross-functional devices, several technologies that are used, and a multi-tenant base, it is susceptible to failures (Goyal et al., 2019). Therefore, it would be difficult for engineers to deliver a reliable business solution that will improve the client experience and have a solid framework. In these conditions, auto-healing is one of the crucial components that might provide a guarantee for the resilience in Cloud applications. According to (Vayghan et al., 2021), auto-healing at the Service Availability level alone will not be sufficient to achieve this resiliency, but this is necessary in terms of the Data cum Transaction completeness.