Accelerated reliability tests are usually implemented to understand the operating lives of a product under different environment conditions. These tests can be classified to the Package-Level (PL) and Board-Level (BL) reliabilities. The PL tests consider the environment factors include the pressure, the temperature, the humidity, the voltage. The related tests are the Pressure Cooker Test (PCT) [1], the Temperature Cycling Test (TCT) [2], the High Temperature Storage Test (HTST) [3], the biased Highly-Accelerated Stress Test (HAST or bHAST [4], where the stress means the higher temperature and higher humidity), and the un-biased Highly-Accelerated Stress Test (uHAST) [5]. On the other hand, the BL tests consider the package mounted on a Print Circuit Board (PCB) under the more practical situations such as TCT (turn on/off) [2], vibration (transportation or operating fan on CPU) [6], drop (dropping of a cell phone) [7], and so on.