I. Introduction
Numerous viable techniques and topologies have emerged with the increasing growth of electric mobility and the electric vehicles (EVs) charging infrastructure [1]. Maintaining a power factor close to unity is essential in the utilization of Onboard Battery Chargers (OBC) in Electric Vehicles to enhance the power quality of the grid. Fig. 1 shows the typical circuit architecture of an EV OBC, for which, various PFC topologies have been discussed in [2]–[4]. Usually, the OBC is composed of two stages: a preliminary AC/DC converter and a subsequent isolated DC/DC converter. The two most common PFC topologies, TPFC and HPFC, which are easy to implement and are capable of sustaining high operating efficiency, are the main subjects of this work. The circuit schematics of TPFC and HPFC converters are shown in Fig. 2 comprising of four transistors. References [5] and [6] provide the better understanding about the modes of operation of TPFC and HPFC converters.