I. Introduction
In practical scenarios, medical images are often affected by noise. Noise can distort critical features thereby affecting the quality of the perceived image and the accuracy of automated diagnosis and disease detection. Analysing noise and performance in fundus images is essential for analyzing the quality and reliability of diagnostic information derived from retinal fundus images. This paper explores the challenges, methods and significance of noise reduction and performance analysis in fundus image analysis. Fundus images are affected by both additive and multiplicative noise. The additive and multiplicative noises are often modelled in literature as AWGN and speckle noise respectively. While speckle noises reduce clarity to a greater extent, it is AWGN caused due to sensor limitations in low light conditions that is more prevalent. The paper explores the effect of AWGN on popular deep learning models, different methods like deep learning models, statistical methods and filtering methods to reduce AWGN present in fundus images as well as image enhancement using Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE).