I. Introduction
The Distribution Network Reconfiguration (DNR) problem is well known in power system research. It aims (among other aims) to minimize the active power losses of the lines while satisfying certain constraints. The losses are minimized by modifying the state of the switches that are in the distribution network, hence modifying the topology. In this paper, a deterministic method is used to solve the DNR problem. A Mixed Integer Quadratic Problem (MIQP) formulation is used to model the network. The contribution of this paper is the adding of constraints to limit the fault current that would flow in the feeders and the sources at the High Voltage / Medium Voltage (HV/MV) substations during a phase-to-ground fault in a medium voltage Compensated Distribution Network (CDN). Thus, the consequence of these constraints is the filtering of the topologies where the fault current would exceed the operational limits defined by the compensation current that can be injected. Limiting this current is of crucial importance for Distribution System Operators (DSOs) who owns a CDN. This work is motivated by the French DSO called SRD who needs to make sure that the topology given by the DNR is feasible in practice.