We study lossy compression of 3D point cloud attributes from a volumetric function approach. Specifically, assuming point cloud geometry is first encoded, we encode point cloud attributes, given that encoded geometry is known both at encoder and decoder—this is the dominant approach both in research [1] – [7] and in MPEG geometry-based point cloud compression (G-PCC) standard [8] – [11]. Mathematically, given known 3D locations xi ∈ ℝ3 both at the encoder and decoder, we encode quantized parameters for a target volumentric attribute function f : ℝ3 ↦ ℝ from coarse to fine resolutions for scalability, so that it can be evaluated as at xi at the decoder for signal reconstruction. [3], [12] proposed such a framework using volumetric B-spline basis functions Φl of order p = 1 that span a nested sequence of function spaces —called Region Adaptive Hierarchical Transform (RAHT(1))—and now forms the core in MPEG G-PCC [6]. Recently, [13] extended this framework to B-spline basis functions of order p ≥ 2(RAHT(p)) and demonstrated state-of-the-art (SOTA) coding performance. Moreover, the feedforward network obtained by unrolling a finite-term Taylor’s series of a matrix inverse to compute orthonormalized RAHT(p) coefficients is amenable to end-to-end data-driven parameter tuning. The goal of this paper is to further improve performance by designing a predictor for finer-grained unnormalized coefficients given coarser-grained coefficients , and training.