I. Introduction
With the ever-changing forms of modern warfare, multiple missiles on the target coordinated guided attack is gradually becoming popular. Based on optimal control, Jeon et al. [1] firstly proposed the ITCG (impact time control guidance). Thereafter, Lee et al. [2] proposed the IACG (impact angle constrained guidance) based on [1]. Zhao et al. [3] achieved a two-stage cooperative guidance against stationary targets. Tian et al. [4] designed LOS direction and LOS normal control laws in the 2-D by using integral sliding mode and adaptive super twisting sliding mode theory against maneuvering targets. Song et al. [5] designed a finite-time cooperative guidance law, which effectively achieved cooperative interception of maneuvering targets in 3-D. Jing et al. [6] followed the framework of the guidance law in [5] and used fixed time convergence theory and adaptive non-singular terminal sliding mode.