I. Introduction
In our republic, this research work was carried out to eliminate the possibilities and shortcomings of equipping technological complexes with effective technical automatic means for sorting humps with modern microprocessor devices and creating software control systems. On the basis of the technical requirements of the automation and telemechanics system of the railway sorting hill yard, the current state and problems of devices for monitoring and controlling the wagon braking mechanism are studied, and the intervals of mathematical intervals for the mass of wagon are determined. breaks for the study of the microprocessor system for monitoring and controlling the retarder mechanism of sorting wagon of the railway, the model has been improved [14]. In accordance with traffic safety regulations, the automated system for sorting hill stations in railway transportation has issues with its wagon deceleration mechanism's mechanical operation. [10]. Taking into account that automated control systems of sorting hills at railway sorting stations are not directly connected with control devices and wagon decelerators, it is necessary to improve this system [7]. In order to solve the above necessary problems, the algorithm of the management and control devices of railway sorting hill automation and telemechanics control devices has been improved [5]. Railway sorting hills are controlled by automatic and telemechanical control devices based on the modern automated microprocessor control system method. In the development of the device, strain gauges [13] were used to determine the severity of the wagon approaching the wagon bounce mechanism of traffic routes based on the method of an automated microprocessor control system at the railway sorting hill (Fig. 1). Currently, strain gauges are used in many manufacturing industries, including rail transport lines [11]. In the proposed method, the strain gauges are installed in two pairs on the side of each rail, and the wagon wheel pairs work on the basis of the force when they pass over the strain gauge, and the determined weight of the wagons is sent to the central control system [8].
Structural view of the method of detection of wagons in the sorting hill using strain gauges