I. Introduction
The MMX rover, jointly developed by CNES and DLR, shall be deployed on the Martian Moon Phobos. During the mission, the rover aims to explore the surface of Phobos, which is still unknown in detail. The environment on the Martian Moon is challenging, with the expected temperatures of up to (non-operating) at the motors - which are not located in the warmer inner compartment (E-Box) of the rover. During operation, the temperatures are heated up to as minimum, which is acceptable for space qualified parts, but still challenging for industrial parts. Furthermore, the milli-gravity on this moon - around - and the unknown surface properties make it difficult to develop a locomotion subsystem that ensures a proper movement of the rover on Phobos. More details about the mission and the locomotion subsystem development can be found in [1], [2] and [3]. A simulation view of the MMX rover on the surface of Phobos can be seen in Fig. 1.