I. Introduction
Nowadays in an ever-changing industrial environment, professional engineers are expected to recognize and adapt to the changes. Under these circumstances, it is important to explore and develop learner-centric paradigms for educating strategic engineers [1]. This situation necessitates continuous improvement of the curriculum, especially for senior undergraduate students who need to cultivate relevant competencies before their graduation. AME4163: Principles of Engineering Design, is a course anchored in Kolb's experiential learning [2] and offered at the University of Oklahoma to prepare senior undergraduate students for their future careers in engineering. The instructors launch AME4163 for offering senior undergraduates the opportunity to learn by reflecting on doing in an authentic immersive environment (AlE). We hypothesize that by having soon-to-be junior engineers reflect on an experience related to the principles of engineering design (POEDs) and articulate a lesson learned, they will cultivate the ability to continue identifying new principles and afterwards continue to grow professionally [3].