I. Introduction
Dynamic algorithms model the real-world scenario where data is evolving rapidly and solutions must be efficiently maintained upon every update. Owing to significant advances in recent decades, many fundamental problems in graphs and sequences are now well understood in the dynamic setting. Examples include maximum matchings in graphs [1]–[3], connectivity [4], [5], maximum flow [6], [7], minimum spanning trees [5], [8], clustering [9]–[11], diameter estimation [12], independent set [13], pattern matching [14]–[17], lossless compression [18], string similarity [19], longest increasing subsequence [20]–[22], suffix arrays [23], and many others. Several related models with varying difficulties have been studied, including incremental (insertion-only, where elements can only be added) [7], [24]–[26], decremental (deletion-only, where elements can only be deleted) [27]–[30], and fully-dynamic (supporting both insertions and deletions) [2], [31]–[33].