I. Introduction
Nowadays, the energy that is currently being used is mostly coming from non-renewable energy source. The use of non-renewable energy brought a massive impact to the environment and became the major contributor on the climate change and environmental pollution [1]–[3]. The need of clean energy and high dependence on fossil energy have become a critical problem in the entire world [4], [5]. The utilization of renewable energy has been rapidly increasing within the past few years to overcome the lack of renewable energy issue [6]–[8]. The high increase of electricity demand on campus buildings and residential areas has made the Government of Indonesia started to penetrate renewable energy power plant applications [9], [10]. Indonesia has huge potentials of renewable energies, such as Hydro Power Plant with the potential generated power up to 450 MW, Biomass with 50 GW, and Solar Energy in Indonesia with the intensity around 4,8 kWhday [11–13]. Indonesian Government has planned the target of 23% of Energy Mix between Renewable Energy and Power Plants in 2025 [14]. Renewable energy that has the biggest potential in Indonesia is solar energy, since Indonesia is located on the equator line and always obtain sunlight throughout the year.