I. Introduction
Magnetic resonance imaging is a technology that aids physicians in many ways, from helping to identify malignant tumors to analyzing spinal cord injuries and effects from brain trauma [1]. Due to the high costs of MRI equipment, several groups have investigated how to construct inexpensive desktop imaging systems. Educational MRI scanners have been developed for an undergraduate research teaching lab at MIT and have been used by more than 800 students [2]. A separate project at Northwestern University focused on a teaching system for demonstrating foundations of MRI [3]. The ECEN 463 course at Texas A&M University covers MRI instrumentation and teaches students how to construct a desktop MRI system to produce basic images. The original system for the class was developed using NI hardware and LabVIEW to program pulse sequences [4]. However, the current laboratory equipment used for the course is expensive and not scalable. The limited availability of the tools restricts class sizes and the amount of time students have to work on their labs. This project focuses on designing new instrumentation to replace the current ECEN 463 setup to allow more students to have access to the course, with the flexibility to work on their own outside of class.