I. Introduction
Digitalization has transformed our daily lives but some challenges should be faced to guarantee the security of important services to citizens and industrial sectors. Current Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) systems rely on networked Internet-enabled devices that can communicate with each other and provide connections to remote cloud environments. The security of these devices is usually built over a Root-of-Trust (RoT) that can be implemented following different strategies. A full hardware realization of a RoT that integrates reliable secret keys, entropy source, and cryptographic implementations for data encryption/decryption and digital signatures, introduces several advantages. Firstly, all components of the RoT are attached to a processor core as a System-on-Chip (SoC), that is, the RoT components are physically placed in a single component reducing the security perimeter to one unique chip. This strategy prevents a clear vulnerability of RoT composed of several chips, where one or more elements can be substituted by malicious ones, prone to counterfeiting attacks. A full hardware RoT is also robust against malicious software that can be injected into the Operating Systems (OS) of the processing cores. Furthermore, it offers the best performance in terms of power and timing responses, both are critical factors for Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices with severe restrictions, such as battery life and limited resources on embedded processors.