The strengthening of the competitive environment among enterprises stimulate them to take advantage of all opportunities. One of these opportunities is the use of information and communication technologies (ICT). Businesses face a large number of choices in their day-to-day operations. Making the right decisions of enterprises directly affects their activities. Some researchers say that the increase in the use of ICT in enterprises leads to a decrease in the time spent on information gathering. Businesses need a large amount of information on production, marketing, pricing and location strategies, as well as building relationships with customers and employees. They should process this information in a short period and make the necessary decision. ICT helps them more in this activity. A large number of scientific studies have been conducted on the impact of ICT on enterprises. Most of these studies have emphasized the positive impact of ICT. However, considering the enterprises operating in the countries of the world, it can be observed that the use of ICT is not at a high level in all of them for various reasons.