I. Introduction
The exploration of outer space and the search for habitable environments beyond Earth have become paramount in our quest to understand the vast universe. Water, being a fundamental requirement for life as we know it, holds immense significance in our exploration endeavors. The detection of water on extraterrestrial planets is a crucial step in determining their potential habitability. Terahertz (THz) spectroscopy has emerged as a powerful tool for remote sensing and detection in various fields, including space exploration. The THz frequency range, spanning from 0.1 to 10 THz, offers unique advantages in probing molecular and atomic transitions. One essential component in THz systems is the Schottky diode, which exhibits fast response times and operates efficiently in the THz range [1]. The tripler, a frequency multiplier device, plays a pivotal role in THz radiometry by generating higher frequencies from lower input signals. By utilizing a Schottky diode, the tripler facilitates the conversion of an input frequency to a desired higher frequency for specific applications.