I. Introduction
In radar and guidance systems, phased array antennas are preferred because of fast and flexible beam scanning ability which, is vital for target locating and tracking. In these systems, not only the broadband operation and wide-angle beam scanning performances are required, but also the low-scattering characteristic. Facing incident waves with different polarizations, scattering performances of phased array antennas vary a lot. When cross-polarized (cr-pol) waves illuminate, antennas exhibit as ordinary metals and dielectrics, therefore adding cr-pol absorbing structures can easily reduce the scattering without radiation and scanning performance deterioration [1]. However, when facing in-band co-polarized (co-pol) waves, low-scattering measures have to be co-designed with the antenna radiation and scanning properties, leading to design difficulties. Thus, studies on in-band copolarized low-scattering designs are of great research value, as well as the practical use.