I. Introduction
A promising solution to fulfil the need for more efficient, smaller, and less expensive electrical drives is the concept of integrated motor drives (IMDs) [1]. IMDs combine an electric motor and its driving inverter in one mechanical unit. A converter topology that is particularly suited to IMDs is the stacked polyphase bridge converter (SPBC, [2]) due to its modularity and due to its lower dv/dt on the motor windings compared to conventional two-level topologies [3]. Furthermore, the SPBC can be used in combination with multiphase motors. Multiphase motor windings such as for example 9-phase motor windings enable a higher winding factor than conventional 3-phase windings. The higher winding factor results in a higher efficiency/power density of the drive system [4]. In addition, DC cables are used to connect IMDs to a DC voltage source that is located with some distance to the IMDs. Possible applications for such cables are electric cars (for connecting the inverter(s) to the battery) or factories with a single DC supply connected to multiple distributed IMDs.