I. Introduction
THE penetration of DERs, such as photovoltaic (PV), at the residential level, has increased rapidly over the past year. It will inevitably induce a paradigm shift in end-user behaviour and operations of local energy markets [1]. The energy community with high integration of DERs allows its users to manage their generation (for prosumers) and consumption more efficiently, resulting in various economic, social, and environmental benefits [2]. Specifically, the local energy communities and their members can legally engage in energy generation, distribution, supply, consumption, storage, and sharing to increase autonomy from the power grid, advance energy efficiency, and reduce energy costs. A key aspect for guaranteeing the successful operation of energy management is the successful implementation of energy storage systems (ESS), which have received widespread attention due to their advantages of rapid response, smooth fluctuations, and the reduction of temporal and spatial imbalance. Furthermore, the advanced measurement and communication technologies provide opportunities for local energy communities to adopt a more active role in renewable-rich smart grids.