I. Introduction
Environmental issues and energy supply security have ascended over the past years due to the fast-dwindling natural resources and the rapid increase in fossil fuel demand. Depletion of fossil fuel and their climate change concerns are leading to a transition in power generation from fossil fuels to renewable energy system (RES) [1], [2]. Meanwhile, the interactions among different energy carriers have been growing with the increasing utilization of intermittent photovoltaic (PV) panels, battery energy storage (BES), heat pump (HP), and combined heat, and power plant (CHP) technologies [3], [4]. However, these interactions have posed challenges in the electricity distribution networks. The challenges include e.g. network congestion, voltage stability issues, and coordination problem at a community level. To bridge the gap between research and deployment, this paper proposes a framework for local energy communities or distribution systems to automatically coordinate their energy resources to overcome these challenges using different tools. This automation opens up the possibility to implement and test solutions such as local flexibility markets (LFMs), local energy markets (LEM), and tariff designs addressing the challenges at the local levels. Moreover, real-life demonstrations on a physical demonstration site at the Chalmers campus with the support of the Chalmers IoT platform provide valuable benefits of the interoperable tools. Furthermore, it contributes to a better understanding of the challenges of scaling and the commercial execution of the proposed platform.