I. Introduction
Video coding standards are developed across the advancement and implementation of ISO/IEC and ITU-T standards. H.263 and H.261 coding is utilized to build up the ITU-T. Similarly, ISO/IEC delivered the MPEG – 4 and MPEG – 1. After this, H.262/MPEG 2 video and H.264/MPEG 4 Audio Video Coding standards are produced by the 2 associations collectively for handling multimedia applications. Throughout all these evolutions, new techniques were introduced one by one to decrease the transmission bit rate and increase the compression capabilities. Among all the above standards, H.264/MPEG - 4 Audio Video Coding (AVC) has drastically replaced all other standards with its existing key features. H.264/MPEG-4 are widely used in applications like transmission of High Definition Television signals through satellite and cable systems, video chatting, portable mobile video and in many online conversation applications