I. Introduction
Many industrial applications demand a smooth controllable ac power supply. Hence inverter is an important part of many application. Research is going on to improve the quality of power supplied by the inverter by increasing the number of steps in the output voltage of the inverter. Two level inverter is a primary level inverter that contains higher harmonics in the output voltage. Also in this inverter voltage stress on the switches will be more [1]. Hence more than two levels in the output voltage, lead to what are called multilevel inverters. Instead of the square waveform, the multilevel inverter (MLI) output voltage will be having a stepped waveform. Hence as the number of steps in output voltage is increased, more approximate it becomes to sinusoidal waveform [2]. But in proportion to increase in voltage levels, count of switches and the complexity of switching control circuit also will increase. In multilevel inverters, more than one dc source are connected at the input side. The dc voltage at the input is usually obtained from renewable energy sources, fuel cells, capacitor voltage source etc. The block diagram of the operation of a multilevel inverter is shown in Fig1. The gating pulses required for controlling the switches of the inverter are obtained by comparing high frequency triangular wave and a modulating wave. The switches of the inverter are operated with these pulse width modulated (PWM) pulses to obtain the required AC waveform at the inverter output terminal. To filter out the harmonic present in the output waveform they are screened through a filter circuit before connecting to any load. Hence filter circuit further reduce the THD present in the inverter output waveform. Multilevel inverters find a place in vast applications of renewable energy sources [3].