I. Introduction
Cyberspace is composed of digital devices connected via various networks. The scientific field of cyber security focuses on safeguarding computers and computing devices against unauthorized access or attacks [1]. The rational world created by the combination of computing and communication technologies has constantly been impacting the way of living. Users, Systems, and Usability are the three cornerstones of cyberspace [2]. The human factor is the weakest link, due to users’ clicking on malicious links or downloading corrupted files. Expert-level specialists in the technological field sometimes contribute to vulnerabilities by leaving gaps in software development, back doors, etc. Therefore, whether as a developer or an end user, the human aspect is a weak and essential link to cyberspace security, and its usability determines its weak point.Many research and development efforts have been made globally, and many technical solutions have been developed to tackle cyberattacks. These solutions include Intrusion Detection Systems, Firewalls, SIEM solutions, Antivirus, Anti-malware, and many more. However, there is a need for greater focus on the human factor aspect of cybersecurity, i.e., human is an asset in cyberspace; therefore, equally essential to provide protection and solutions which emerge from human factors cybersecurity issues.