Wireless networks are under mounting pressure to bear exponentially increasing volumes of multimedia content [1] and to support the imminent emergence of new applications such as wireless immersive viewing [2], [3]. For the efficient delivery of such multimedia content, coded caching (CC) was proposed in [4] as a means of increasing the data rates by exploiting cache content across the network. In a single-stream downlink network of K users, each capable of caching a portion γ ≤ 1 of the entire file library, CC enables boosting the achievable rate by a factor of Kγ + 1 through multicasting carefully created codewords such that each user can use its cache content to remove unwanted parts from the received signal. As a result, with CC, the achievable degrees of freedom (DoF) is increased from one to Kγ + 1. The multiplicative factor t ≡ Kγ is also called the coded caching gain.