I. Introduction
Modern communication systems frequently transmit sensitive data wirelessly, e.g. in 5G systems and beyond [1]. Therefore, it is very important to ensure that the transmitted information is not intercepted by potential eavesdroppers. Besides cryptog-raphy, physical layer security is one promising alternative to achieve secure data transmission [2]. This approach uses the physical properties of the wireless channel but does not rely on shared keys. It is well-known that there exists a specific class of channel codes that fulfill the strong secrecy constraint over Gaussian wiretap channel (GWTC), when there is perfect channel-state information at the transmitter (CSI-T). In contrast, for a slow-fading GWTC with only statistical CSI-T, an outage event will occur when either the legitimate receiver or the eavesdropper experience a fading channel [3]. For such a system, the appropriate performance metrics are (secrecy) outage probability and the -(secrecy)-outage capacity, i.e., the maximum rate at which one can communicate with at most (secrecy) outages.