I. Introduction
The DC-Converters (DCC) are widely adopted for integrating Renewable Energy based Power Sources (REPS) [1]. The REPS like PV generates variable/fluctuating DC power at the output. This output is at a fixed value for any instant. Hence maintains a constant flow for the duration when maximum solar power is available [2]. These converters can interface numerous energy systems and also applied to the electric vehicles with diverse voltage profile for smooth operations among the loads and sources under various operation range of voltage [3]. The bidirectional DCC can transfer the energy to load as well as source with bidirectional current flow pattern. This means when required it will transfer the power to the load with current flowing from battery to the load connected and when the battery connected at the input side reaches its lowest limit, it can also be charged via the battery connected at output terminal [4]. Fig. 1 describes the application of the DCC with hybrid sources. In this figure, bidirectional DC-DC converter is presented, which can deal with multiple inputs having different voltages and also flow of power can be both the side. This means if input voltage is below the predefined limit, then current will flow from DC/AC interfacing to DC-DC side which is the functionality of buck converter. And if output voltage is greater than input one, it is boosting converter [5]. Hence in the proposed topology, flow of power is bidirectional. Such topology is helpful in maintaining the system voltage to the rated value. In literature numerous bi-directional DCC are presented but they suffer the disadvantage in terms of component count, cost, low input ripple current, etc [6–7]. These converters have poor performances dueto their low voltage conversion ratio; the voltage stress of the semiconductors is also high. Hence, this paper presents a MPC with bi-directional feature [8]. This means that the MPC can perform simultaneous function of buck or boost converter. When the power from the hybrid source is sufficiently available it will charge the Battery Storage System (BSS) [9]. In the case of low voltage profile of the source it can also provide power to the source by draining the BSS. Hence the name bi-directional buck-boost Converter (BBC) is used.