I. Introduction
The Internet of Things, which can be thought of as the combination of many different kinds of products found online such as smartphones, personal computers, and tablet computers [1], has identified a new type of interaction between items and objects that occur between objects. The client is able to connect and manage many devices with only a few acquisition lines because the home computer framework is able to track and report the state of compatible devices in a natural and intelligible manner. This enables the client to connect and handle more than one device. Since the present technology framework was developed, significant advancements have been made in a variety of technologies, including Bluetooth, WI-MAX and Wireless LAN (Wi-Fi), ZigBee, and the Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) [2]. When it comes to operating gears, machinery, and cycles, the use of computers, control systems, and the collection of data significantly reduces the amount of human interaction that is required [1]. Gardening management [3], [4], home security and safety [5], [6], and other services are provided by the programme.