I. Introduction
In the past few years, conventional energy sources have caused many environmental and energy problems like air pollution, depletion of natural resources, low efficiency, etc. Some serious climate change issues have been observed recently, which can cause great damage to mankind and need to be addressed soon. To decrease the pollution level, renewable sources of energy are used as they are generally more clean and more efficient energy sources. The overall market for solar photovoltaics has constantly been increasing in the last few years and is expected to go much higher in the next decade [1]. Although renewable sources of energy have several technical and environmental advantages like increased energy efficiency, low carbon emission, and more economical but have some disadvantages like power quality issues, over-voltage and under-voltage problems, and mismatch between generation and loads due to the intermittent nature of supply [2]. Modification in the existing protection system is also required as the integration of renewable sources changes the fault level and network topologies.