I. Introduction
In earlier stages, telecommunication satellites used only chemical or hybrid propulsion system. Chemical propulsion systems use chemical thrusters for orbit transfer. Hybrid based systems which is a combination of chemical and elec-tric thrusters does orbit transfer by functioning of chemical thrusters alone whereas station keeping was performed by electric thruster. Electric thrusters were not intended for orbit transfer during early ages. This makes development of satellite with electric propulsion system a new beginning in the industry of satellite. It provides notable dominance as tiny and portable satellites can be assembled together in launch vehicles to divide the cost of launch [1]. Electric propulsion satellites on reaching geosynchronous equatorial orbit (GEO) from a lower orbit involves long transfer time which cause several intimation like radiation exposure in Van Allen belt causing solar array degradation in satellite and destruction to the onboard electronics in satellite [2]. In orbit raising cases, the satellite encounters Earth's shadow several times, which lengthen the time taken for transfer if not provided by any stored energy in satellite to drive the thruster [3].