I. Introduction
Segmentation is the process of separating regions that are different in color, intensity and texture. In computerized image understanding and analysis, image segmentation acts as an intermediate step. Segmentation is a complex task for noisy and low-contrast images for lack of distinct image features. Furthermore, different sources of images make the task more challenging. In this context, various segmentation methods are developed which can be divided as classical methods and deep learning models. Both of them have their own advantages and short-comings. Deep learning models require huge set of training data to train a model to learn segmentation. This is time consuming and proper training data set may not be available for a specific type of image. In this regard, classical methods, being based on mathematical understanding and reasoning of images play an excellent role to process those images. Traditional image segmentation methods can be classified as, threshold-based, edge-based, geometric model-based, region growing based and active contour-based (ACM) [1]–[3].