I. Introduction
Facial expression is an important aspect of social interaction among human beings. Basic facial expressions include anger, contempt, disgust, fear, happy, sad, and surprise. Facial expressions can be broadly categorized as macro and micro-facial expressions. Macro expressions are visible, prolonged in nature and can be easily identified by human beings. However, these expressions can be suppressed, posed and disguised to hide true emotion of a person. Micro-expressions on the other hand, are involuntary in nature, cannot be posed, visible for a very short duration of time (0:04 sec to 0:50 sec) and reflect true emotion of a person. Based on these properties, micro-expression recognition (MER) has a variety of potential applications such as lie detection, security, surveillance systems, online learning, entertainment, health-care systems (depression detection, clinical diagnosis), and forensics. The acquisition of micro-expressions is difficult as compared to macro-expressions because they appear for a very short duration of time. However, with the advancement of data acquisition tools and software, research in the domain of MER has gained attention in the past few years.