I. Introduction
E-commerce began with the first online transaction in 1994 and since then we have seen tremendous improvements in providing ease and increasing the scale and scope of online shopping. It has become almost as normal to order online as going to a nearby shop to buy something. The list of options arranged in a structured format has made life easier for the buyers and made the sellers richer and happier overall. We have almost everything sold online nowadays, from a book to a house. It all might seem magical to the eyes of someone from before the 1960s era, but we know that it’s clearly not magical. Far from it, the massive infrastructure it takes to carry this concept of easier 24x7 shopping up float is one of the most structured and engineered product of human ingenuity. The major components of this highly detailed infrastructure are the user, the bank, the seller, and the platform/portal/online marketplace. Each component is a study of its own but the most personal to the user/buyer and highly underrated tool that acts as a glue to keep this system tied together is a credit card [1].