I. Introduction
In the present wireless communication systems, observing the number of mobile users is increasing daily. At the same time, the user requires higher data rates, higher channel capacity, effective transmission, and minimum transmission losses. From generation to generation (1G to 4G), the channel bandwidths are increased by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) based on user requirements. But, it is not sufficient for video streaming, with a tremendous rate in terms of Gbps, higher signal-to-noise ratio values, and large channel capacity in terms of bits/sec [1], [2]. Hence, to overcome the above problems and achieve peak data rates above 10 Gbps, small latency below 1 ms, high traffic density above 106/ Km2, higher mobility above 500 Km/h with higher mobility 5G wireless cellular system. 5G systems are categorized into low-band (Up to 1 GHz), mid-band (Sub: 6 GHz), and mm wavebands. More coverage area is achieved with low-band 5G systems.