I. Introduction
COVID-19 is a life threating respiratory disease caused by a new corona virus which is first encountered at Wuhan, China in December 2019. The major symptom of the disease includes loss of taste & smell, body aches, high fever, cough, and shortness of breath. For some people the infection gives normal flu conditions, and they can recover with two to three weeks but for some people the infection can be severe and caused death [1]. This pandemic has spread to over 188 countries around the world. World Health Organization acknowledged that there have been 571,182,327 confirmed COVID-19 cases and 6,386,234 deaths around the world until 22nd July, 2022 [2]. The ambiguity and complications of the corona virus have made it difficult to foresee the spread of this pandemic. Since there is no medicine has been invented, prevention is the only way to control the spread of this deadly disease. Self-hygiene should be maintained other than wearing masks and washing hands frequently to reduce the spread. The infected person should be isolated from other to avoid spreading. The self-quarantine helps to stop the chain of spread. To avoid spreading of this virus many nations restricted and even completely stopped the international travel and business. The public places like offices, educational institutes, theaters, malls, swimming pools, parks, and even religious places were closed to minimize the gathering of people. From the analysis it is shown that the lockdowns reduce the spread rate and number of infected cases.