I. Introduction
In today’s world, the demand for high-speed data transmission is there in the wireless communication systems [1]. Because of their lightweight and low cost with excellent performance, wideband microstrip antennas play an important role to fulfil these needs [2]. The research of broadband antenna design for 5G applications has gained prominence in recent years. The main focus point of the scientists is the antenna with wideband properties. In recent time, Microstrip Patch Antenna (MPA) has aroused general applications, especially in low power wireless communication. The major challenge in designing the antennas for wireless communication is the small size along has a wide impedance bandwidth and good radiation patterns across the entire band [3]. Because of its low profile, tiny size, lightweight, and ease of manufacturing, microstrip patch antennas have received a lot of attention strong interest in mobile communications, radar applications, and other applications. This paper introduced radio wire plans appropriate for 5G works in the 4 GHz band and in (3-4 GHz) [4]. Feeding methods include probe fed, microstrip line fed, edge fed, inset fed, and Coplanar Waveguide (CPW). The CPW is the signal feeder, with the side-plane guiding ground and the signal carried by the centre strip. The wide band properties of a CPW fed slot antenna are one of its advantages. As a result, the CPW fed slot antenna is the most promising and effective antenna for wideband distance applications [5]. The proposed antenna has a high impedance transmission capacity and radiation. Because of their low profile, tiny size, light weight, and ease of manufacture, microstrip patch antennas have gained a lot of interest in wireless communications, mobile communications radar applications, and other applications. Coaxial probe fed, microstrip line fed, edge fed, inset fed, and CPW fed are some of the feeding techniques available. The CPW is the signal feed, with the side-plane conductor serving as ground and the signal carried by the centre strip. The wide band properties of the CPW fed slot antenna are an advantage. As a result, the most effective and promising antenna for wideband wireless applications is the CPW fed slot antenna. They do, however, have some drawbacks, such as limited bandwidth and low gain. In this work, a novel design for a broadband planar antenna with CPW-fed technology is proposed for WLAN applications, consisting of a rectangular shaped patch embedded with two slots. The rest of the chapter is arranged as follows. Section II introduces the proposed antenna design. Section III discussed parametric analysis, Section IV presents results and discussion and V includes concluding remarks.