I. Introduction
Ground penetrating radar (GPR) is an important method to detect underground targets by emitting microwave, which has the advantages of high resolution, high efficiency, intuitive results, and non-destructive detection. Due to the complex underground environment and uneven distribution of under-ground media, the microwave is usually disturbed by random noise and clutter. So the microwave detection needs to remove the clutter and the stochastic noise. In general, there is no way to interpret the subsurface media without processing the microwave signals. Therefore, it is necessary to process the received microwave to improve the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) [1]. The traditional denoising methods perform awful in the complex underground environment with high clutter. In order to improve the adaptive denoising performance of the GPR data in environment of stochastic clutter, dictionary learning and greedy algorithms are applied to GPR data denoising. The echo signals of the GPR data contain direct wave, clutter, random noise and the target signal, where the energy of the target signal accounts for only a small fraction of the energy of the echo signal. Therefore, processing the echo signal to remove the clutter and the random noise is significant for improving the SNR of the GPR microwave data.