I. Introduction
Nowadays, with the rapid acceleration of transaction digitization, everyone is accustomed to use credit cards for various types of financial transactions. Along with its benefits, it has also paved the path for fraudsters to develop new scams on a regular basis. The loss from credit card fraud alone is wreaking havoc on the nation's revenue. So this serious issue has attracted several researchers for developing more efficient fraud detection system with the foremost priority of predicting fraud cases with high accuracy and reduced false positive cases by streaming the transaction Data. The relevant literature presents several reviews on application of machines learning techniques for revealing fraudulent activities [1]–[3]. A detailed empirical comparison of machine learning and deep learning algorithms with inclusion of data balancing approach is presented in [4] for detecting fraud in the benchmark European card dataset. It becomes abundantly clear that ANN outperforms LR when two data mining techniques, like ANN and LR for CCFD, are compared in [5]. Three CCFD models suggested in [6] are designed using CHFLANN, ANN and DT, where ANN is found to produce better accuracy and elapsed time compared to the other two models. In [7] the performance of ANN based fraud detection is observed after categorizing the transactions from the normal usage patterns using fuzzy c-means clustering. Another LENN based CCFD model trained using back propagation algorithm is suggested in [8]. In [9] a CPNN based CCFD model is developed whose parameters are optimized using a sine cosine algorithm.