I. Introduction
Computed tomography (CT) is a common medical imaging modality which provides three-dimensional (3D) anatomical information and is routinely used for diagnosis, treatment planning and for monitoring of therapy response. CT also plays a major role in preclinical and small animal imaging. CT relies on measuring the differences in x-ray linear attenuation coefficients, but can be challenging to detect very low concentrations of high atomic number (Z) elements [1], [2]. In contrast, X-ray Fluorescence Computed Tomography (XFCT) relies upon detecting characteristic x-rays, such as those from K-shell or L-shell [3]–[6], enabling imaging and quantification of very low concentrations of high Z elements. Among imaging probes based on high-Z elements, gold nanoparticles (GNPs) conjugated with exogenous moieties targeting specific disease processes are of particular interest and can provide the molecular characteristics of such processes when properly imaged. Thus, the potential of XFCT for in vivo imaging of targeted high Z probes during pharmacologic and biodistribution studies using small animal models is being actively investigated.