The continuing development of triple junction (3J) GainP/GaAs/Ge concentrator solar cells is making this technology closer to maturity and commercialization. It is recognized as the solar cell technology that produces the most W/cm2 at 500 suns than any other while progress in boosting the efficiency keep rising. Already there has been another record efficiency of 37.30/0 at 175 suns that was recently reported, as there have been other reports, that are continuing to stream in1 from field tests on their reliability [1]–[3]. Successful demonstration of 3J concentrators operating at 1000 suns under steady state illumination has been published [4], [5] as well. However, one area that needs fudher studying to increase solar cell performance is in the system optics of the module, that is, Fresnel optics. Some studies focusing on improving Fresnel lenses to increase multijunction cell performance have been documented for dual junction GalnAs/GaAs concentrator cells [6].