I. Introduction
A N INTERVAL type-2 fuzzy set (IT2 FS) is today the most widely used T2 FS because it is computationally simple to use. When such FSs are used in a rule-based fuzzy logic system (FLS) (e.g., [4], [5], [9]–[14], [17], and [23]–[25]), the result is an interval T2 FLS (IT2 FLS). In such a FLS, fired-rule output sets are also IT2 FSs, and to go from such sets to a number, as is usually required in most engineering applications of a FLS, one must perform two successive operations, type-reduction and defuzzification. Type-reduction maps the output T2 FS into a type-1 (T1) FS, and defuzzification converts that T1 FS into a number.