1. Introduction and Motivation
Cloth modelling and simulation have been an important research area in computer graphics for more than a decade. In the last years, major advances have been achieved in understanding the physical behavior of cloth, the derivation of mathematical models, and the development of fast numerical algorithms and rendering techniques. Much progress has been made towards fast and visually pleasing animations, as well as towards physically correct simulations. Apart from obvious applications in the film and computer games industry, cooperations between computer graphics and the cloth manufacturing industry have become possible. A major topic of current research is the virtual fitting room scenario, where techniques and technologies for virtual selection, cloth assembly, try-on, and evaluation of individual clothing have to be developed. The goals in this research area include internet-based clothes shops and mass production of made-to-measure-wear. Taking this a step further, we want to cover the whole production chain of virtual garment creation and help tailors with interactive tools in the design process, as well as the customer, who will be able to try on individually created wear.