1. Introduction
The uniform circular array (UCA) plays a significant role in many array processing applications due to its full 360º azimuth and 90º elevation angle coverage. The UCA structure is of particular importance since it requires a significantly smaller number of sensors to guarantee an unambiguous array manifold as compared to other highly structured planar arrays. Several direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation methods have been proposed that can be applied to UCAs composed of omni-directional elements [1], [2], among which UCA-ESPRIT [1] attained increased attention due to its simple implementation and its ability to provide automatically paired azimuth and elevation angle esti-mates. However, this method strongly relies on the omnidirectional element assumption which is not only difficult to satisfy in real arrays but also limits the far-field phase modes that can be excited on an array at reasonable strength to certain frequencies of operation [3]. The use of directional element patterns, if carefully chosen, can overcome this limitations and open the way for wide-band operation of the UCA [4].